Help Kids Pick Pears
Overweight and obesity are becoming more common in children in the United States. This is a worrisome situation, but there is something that parents can do! To help a child grow into his weight, choose more nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits and vegetables, increase activity, and limit calorie-dense or “junk” foods.
As the parent, you decide what food your child is offered, and your child decides how much he or she wants to eat. Offering foods that lack vital nutrients limits a child’s choices, and limits development of his or her taste personality. As well, punishing or rewarding a child with food may build negative or emotional ties to food which can eventually lead to weight issues.
On the other hand, offering fresh produce, such as pears, is a very healthful practice that can improve nutrient intake and limit the potential for excess calories! Offer meals at regular times every day, offer a variety of healthful foods, sit and eat with your child, and be a good role model by also eating fruits and vegetables.
For more tips on what to include in your child’s diet, visit!